Saturday, September 8, 2012

Volunteers Needed to Raise the Flags!

These flags are put up in Tillicum, all along both sides of Union Ave. SW in Lakewood (Tillicum area). We have a trailer to store them in, but sometimes need a driver and we can always use more people to help put them up.  They are on wood poles that are inserted in sleeves along the roadway. Near certain holidays you would need to get up early and get out there, then a few days later repeat but take down.  Sometimes JBLM soldiers volunteer and we've had Jr ROTC groups help out also. Most of the time it is just a few people from the TWNA (Tillicum/Woodbrook Neighborhood Association).  The flags are kept at Bill's Boathouse, so contact Dave Anderson there to find out when they will be put up. There is nothing like driving down Union when all the flags are up to put tears in your eyes (at least that is what happens to me). I am a veteran and I love my flag and my country. We are so lucky to live in America where people run the country, not dictators or the military. Hope to see you out there soon, if not helping then at least drive by and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Karen for posting this! My dad served in WWII and this project was always his vision, now realized, and the memories of dad often bring tears as the flags are raised. The next opportunity is September 9th, 8 AM, contact David at or call 253-988-2536. Nearly 80 flown-over-the-nation's capital flags - 4x6' on 16' poles - will thus be flying on 9/11.
